Hello, I’m Jayne – thank you for taking a look at our website!
My passion is to help people live their best life possible - which I've done in different ways over the years .... As a small child I remember spending my pocket money on a teddy with a missing eye, so I could help him live a happier life! I spent 25 years as a pharmaceutical scientist, contributing to the development of drugs which enhanced and saved lives. Following redundancy, I retrained as a professional coach-mentor and partnered with organisations to help their colleagues to flourish.
I also began to explore how I could help people live well, naturally.

I had been practising mindfulness for many years and found that this gave me some really practical tools which profoundly enhanced my life and improved my physical and mental well-being. I wanted to help others reap the benefits too, so I trained as a mindfulness teacher - gaining professional accreditation in workplace mindfulness and undertaking formal training with the University of Bangor and the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.
I have been helping people in the workplace to bring mindfulness into their lives since 2012. I established mindfulness as a unique offering within a global outplacement company in 2015, to help people deal effectively with the emotional impact of redundancy - and it's still running, all these years later!
I'm also interested in helping younger people to bring mindfulness into their lives, so I did some training with the Mindfulness in Schools Project to help me do this more effectively.
Spending time in nature has been a big part of my life since I was a small child. In 2016, I combined mindfulness with my love of nature, to create and lead weekly ‘Noticing Nature’ walks. I subsequently discovered that this was an actual 'thing' called forest bathing - so I trained with the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT), the global leaders, to become a Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide.
I have a keen interest in many aspects of health and wellbeing. I’ve been practicing yoga for over 40 years and I am a regular user of my local outdoor gym. I also really enjoy running – for fun and for fundraising – and, much to my surprise, I have clocked up 7 Marathons over the years.
I’m also privileged to have been a fundraiser then volunteer for my local Hospice for almost 40 years. Spending time with people who are at the end of their life is a real privilege, which simultaneously inspires and humbles me. It also reminds me that life is so short and so very precious ... which motivates and inspires me to do whatever I can to help others live well.